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Since i brought back 1UPMANSHIP, i have made a number of changes to the settings and layout of the site - most of these changes were implemented to make the site more user friendly, i hope to encourage the formation of a 'community' whereby everyone can contribute music.

In order to help you get involved - i have made this guide:

How to comment -

1. Go to the bottom of the post you want to comment on

2. Click on the red link that says (for example) - 0 Comments

3. A white box will appear with the words 'Post a Comment' above it

4. Go to the button saying 'Select Profile' below the white box next to the words 'Comment as:'

5. Choose your profile (I would suggest Name/URL) and subsequently type in your information

6. Type your comment in the white box

7. Post comment...


1. Go to the top left hand corner of the web-page

2. Click on the tab - Follow

3. Type in your information - Username and Password of your GMail account

4. Choose to follow ONEUP publicly or anonymously

What is the Shout-Box and how do i use it?

1. The Shout-Box is the small chat box on the right hand side of the screen

2. It works in real time so through it you can have conversations with other users

3. Just type in a name (where ONEUPMAN is) and optionally your email, then type in your message

4. Press POST

5. Click REFRESH to see replies

How to get involved with ONEUPMANSHIP?

1. If you want to promote ONEUP, then its as easy as telling your friends about it... or directing them to become fans on Facebook

2. I am always looking for new writers - if you want to help email me: or message me on Facebook

3. If you want to reward me, then click on the ad at the bottom of the page every time you use my site :)