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Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Variety House

Time to spice up the website with a couple of neglected genres, a pinch of Prog-House, an excerpt of Electro-House and some more tasty Tech-House ... all nicely suited for the coming summer

This track is just 1 of a 100 reasons why i am a big fan of the Sonar Kollectiv label - i brought the original single in 2006 - but promptly lost it in my music collection. On the 5th March 'My Vision (Dixon Edit)' was re-released on the Elektrish Compilation and i was re-united with my old friend :) For a track with such a heavy tribal kick - it's remarkably calming!

My Vision (Dixon Edit) - Agora Rhythm.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

A great bit of Progressive, saw this track classified as 'Dream Dance' - which summarizes it very nicely... however just thought i would give Aqua Diva a special mention, as she literally makes love to your eardrums with her husky breathy vocals

First Breath (Dankaan Vocal Mix) - Aqua Diva & Schodt.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Fantastic light electro-pop, its a commercial blend of heavy vocoder (Dahlback on the vocals) and bright synths accompanied by a  heavy bass beat, very enjoyable and very cheesy...taken off his album 'Winners & Fools'

I Had A Feeling - John Dahlbäck.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Available exclusively on Beatport is Jokers Of The Scenes' sick remix of Boy 8-Bits' 'Wolfen' - serious bass and a direct contrast to the lilting fairy music posted above - the build up to the breakdown is speaker shredding material...starts scary and ends on a lighter note (sort of like my first sexual experience)

Wolfen (Jokers Of The Scene Remix) - Boy 8-Bit.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)