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Thursday, 4 March 2010 Röyksopp

Veteran Norwegian producers Röyksopp have been kind enough to release this gem to the general public, 'as a none profit thing - done purely for the love of music.'

How nice is that - a full 320 track...absolutely free, wunderbar! 

In return all they ask, is that you vote for their track 'The Girl and the Robot' as - Hit of the Year - or - Video of the Year - not a bad deal to be honest.

The track is entitled 'De Ushuaia a La Quiaca - Versi' and is a really wonderful take on 'De Ushuaia a La Quiaca' by Gustavo Santaolalla - a pleasing acoustic guitar sample, a shaker, some strings and a beat - very simple and very pretty, well worth the effort of a click to download! 

'De Ushuaia a La Quiaca - Versi' - Royksopp (320 kbps)