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Thursday, 11 March 2010


This morning i opened my laptop rubbed the sleep from my eyes and checked my email - and then rubbed them again, there in my inbox was a simple message 'Tron - 320, sorry for the last copy, this one is real!'

So with trembling hands, a pounding heart and blurry vision i clicked download - i was skeptical, after all, i have received roughly 20 emails all promising 'Tron' in flawless 320 - and all were fakes
- however today was no fake, i have finally been rewarded after almost a year of constant searching - the real deal has landed!

For those of you who are scratching your heads in confusion - it will be my pleasure to introduce you to probably one of the most anticipated Dubstep anthems of the decade

Tron - Joker.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

It is available here for vinyl purchase, and will be delivered sometime in April - get on and pre-order it now... i have!