I don't often listen to music that gets me immediately posting, but every now and then a track/tracks pushes my buttons - and i feel obliged to share. This latest piece of audio ambrosia comes from the artist Nicolas Jaar, who i have only just discovered due to recently browsing through Chilean DJ's (a small list) - weird i know, but justified as i am in fact currently based in Chile.
Nicolas Jaar is a very interesting artist - he released his first EP 'The Student' via Wolf & Lamb records in 2008, aged just 17 - W+ L records was and is a perfect match, the label (which is renowned for their tranquil releases,) have nurtured Jaar's vision of slow productions of post minimal house & techno - and i mean ultra slow, 100 bpm and lower - and, if some of his interviews are anything to go by - he plans to get slower...
However, if you are expecting languid relaxed tracks...think again, despite their speed, this music will have you moving (in my case bobbing up&down on my springy chair)
Both are taken from Jaar's latest EP 'Time For Us' available for download - first up is 'Mi Mujer'
Of course this track is awesome - it's a smooth affair of plucked guitar and soft vocals, nicely complemented with buckets of Latin beats, it builds and builds but is agonizingly unhurried, which makes the journey of funky percussion even more enjoyable
Mi Mujer - Nicolas Jaar.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait) 'Time For Us' - probably one of the best tracks i have heard in 2010 - its audio porn, pure and simple - its the vocals that make it - smooth as chocolate and unbelievably deep, it would be a real experience to hear this in a club - something i am now going to endeavor to do!
Time For Us - Nicolas Jaar.mp3