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Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Sick Music 2 Sampler

I blogged 'Sick Music' when it came out in June of last year. Along with 'Acts of Mad Men' it was far and away the best D&B compilation album produced in 2009 (perhaps a contender for best of the decade...)

When the news was announced that Hospital Records have been compiling a 'Sick Music 2' i had minor palpitations - so about 2 weeks ago, i nearly died when i opened up my email and found the 'Sick Music 2 Sampler 1' sitting in my inbox.

I would be fascinated to know the thought process that went behind deciding on the two tracks for the sampler - whoever chose is a genius, as i would now quite happily take a vow of celibacy if it meant i could get this album early!

Austrian duo Camo & Krooked appear on the A-Side with their Hospital Records debut. 'Turn Up' is liquid simplicity - refined synths slowly escalate, the underlying intricate beats twist and turn whilst the vibrating soul vocals of Pat Fulgoni crescendo into a minimalist breakdown... beautiful! 

Turn Up (The Music) - Camo & Krooked.mp3
 (please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

The King is dead...long live the King. At the end of 2009 i flagged Netsky as one to watch - it seems i was right, thus far he has been a production powerhouse - he seems to bring out a superb track every other day...and one of these tracks is 'Memory Lane'

It appears on the samplers flipside, a perfect foil to 'Turn Up' –  clean, hard hitting and very euphoric, this is going to fill dance floors everywhere... i don't really have the descriptive capabilities to do this track justice, so i am just going to let you listen...enjoy!

Memory Lane - Netsky.mp3
 (please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)
Sick Music 2 - Sampler 1 - will be available here on the 2nd of April

Sick Music 2 will be available here on the 23rd of April