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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Graphics vs Mount Kimbie


You will have heard 'Spanish Sahara' - Foals, its been blogged just about everywhere, justifiably it's certainly one of their best songs. With its haunting vocals and simple beat structure it was a sure-thing for quick remixes.

Mount Kimbie took up the torch first and brought the already atmospheric track straight into the stratosphere with their unique bleeps and beats - and now 1UP's resident favourite 'Graphics' has brought us his deep space version - he's cut up the vocals and worked up a simple Burial style 2 step beat - a really beautiful take on an already superb track

I would love to hear your feedback on this one... huge thumbs up to Graphics for giving us the 320 for free - grab it here

Spanish Sahara - Foals.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Spanish Sahara (Mount Kimbie Remix).mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Which Do You Prefer?
The Original
Mount Kimbie Remix
Graphics Remix
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