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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Swing Time

Probably my best clubbing experience was when i was enjoying a standard night at the Egg and whoever was behind the decks suddenly switched up the tempo and broke the set down into some Electro-swing - it was awesome,  all the seasoned pilled-up ravers paired up and started tearing up the Charleston.

I have now built up a fairly large collection of Nu:Jazz, Broken-beat & Electro Swing, and here are a few favourites (old&new) -

Remember Me was released in 1997 on the first of the now well established compilation album series 'Mushroom Jazz' - it was a bit of a one hit wonder for the Scottish DJ Blue Boy, its a funky and full of soul, a dance classic that i am sure you will have heard before (digitally available here)
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

A State of Mind are the British Hip Hop collective behind the poetry and Trip-Hop DJ Wax Tailor is the beat-master - 'Say Yes' is a fantastic compilation of brass samples, strings and hippityhoppity beats - i heart this!

Say Yes - Wax Taylor feat. A.S.M.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Mr Bruce is the MC master and DJ Chuckles is the complementary beat genius - been enjoying 'The Correspondents' since i caught a brief glimpse at the Big Chill Festival - 'Washington Square' is a fantastic blend of swing-time and rapid lyrical madness....ludicrously addictive! You can get it here

Washington Square - The Correspondents.mp3
(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Of course this post wouldn't be complete without the song that got me digging swing - i have everything Jurassic 5 have officially released - because they are awesome (and i have waaay to much free time) - 'Swing Set' is a glorious mashup of (unsurprisingly) swing-time samples (the vocal sample taken straight from Animal House is genius)... a real foot tapper - get it here

(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)

Taken from Parov Stelars' latest album 'Coco' - an awesome production, but then what do you expect from one of Europes' most promising producers! 'The Mojo Radio Gang' is typical Stelar, a catchy blend of sampled vocals and trumpet bursts undercut by a simple kick beat - really uplifting stuff, perfect for the dance floor...

(please be patient with the players, click play once and then wait)